Strategic Planning

Strategic planning for your business forms an essential overall part of your vision and a framework for your business plan. The business plan is itself a short to medium-term plan but it has to fit within your long term strategic plan of where you intend to take your business. A strategic plan is typically focused on a business' mid- to long-term goals and explains the basic strategies for achieving them.

The long view of where you want to go with your business is not always clear

The further you look ahead the more uncertain and out of focus the outcomes will appear.  But it is important to have your eyes on the horizon.  If you don't start by setting out your long-term destination and establishing long term goals, milestones and targets you can get lost in short term issues of finance and management etc.

Setting out can be a lonely place - but there are plenty of servces to help you along the way.

Let us help you think through your long terms plans for your business and how to set achievable targets and milestones. 


It is important to assess the risks and to weight up your strengths and weaknesses and the competition's possible response to your entry into the marketplace.


Getting started can be a lonely process but there are many sources of help in addition to e-bbex and its associates to assist you on your way. Visit our useful links page for some ideas about where to look for assistance.

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